
Gain a Success With Us!

What we offer

You can choose among a variety of services that you will make your life simple.

Company Formations Services

- Name approval - Company registration - Use of Nominees - Bank account opening…

Licensing Services

Our expert team having a tremendous backround in the licensing sector, can assist…

Trust Services

Act as Corporate Trustee

Banking Services

P&R Consulting offers a wide range of bank account services to Cypriot and International…

Corporate Secretarial and Administration Services

- Provision of the company statutory secretary - Preparation of resolutions and…

Accounting and Bookkeeping Services

- Maintenance of the general ledger - Reconciliation and analysis of bank accounts - Preparation…

Payroll Services

- Payroll calculation which can be processed monthly or weekly, based on the client’s…

Immigration Services

- Cyprus permanent Residency - Cyprus work and other visas - Renewal of permit - Reunification…

Looking for Professional Approach and Quality Services ?